Lucky Bag

Contact The CMAA to Claim Your Gear Found Adrift
2 Hrs Extra Duty for each item claimed.
Pair of shoes is 4 items 2 shoes 2 laces 8 hrs.
Division PPO's turn in gear adrift to MAA Office by 0800 each day.

CPPO Badge, Chief Police Petty Officer (CMAA)
I have no idea how old this is , but think it's from the 1940's
(I have this)

Guad Items found on eBay


Owned by
Doug Mullins SK3 60-64

Sold on eBay

Guad Lighters
I have Anniversary one

1969 Cruise Book
Sold for $56
(I didn't buy it)

If you have a Guad Memorabilia you would like to see here
I will be happy to post it.

Items Contributided by
Mike Davis IC3 74-75
