"Greasy G" Movie star story
Operating again after an extended
WESTPAC cruise and usual 30 day leave/upkeep, providing services to FLETRAGRU
During the week we received
a message from SERVGRU ONE that a Hollywood studio was interested in
filming a fleet oiler underway
who was relatively empty. As we were due to return home on Friday,
AO-32 was elected. We were met off Newport Beach--the movie boat
made two passes down the starboard side. We didn't know which studio
or movie they were making but several months later, my wife and I went
to see "In Harm's Way" and were surprised to see GUADALUPE in all her glory
just after the movie's Pearl Harbor bombing scenes when John Wayne's cruiser
group was looking for an oiler before taking on the Japanese attacking
force. "Now, you know the rest of the story."
I was Assistant Ops/Scheduling
(San Diego) from 10/68- 2/71.
Ens. Gordon K. Kaufman